
Mediascope started delivery of the BrandPulse data. BrandPulse is a study of Russians’ consumer preferences. Data on consumer profiles for more than 400 categories of products and services all over the country are now available to the project’s users. Now the data analysis can be carried out in the Galileo software.

Delivery of data on Brand Health Tracking (BHT) and of detailed information on consumers’ habits in basic product categories will be the next step. Besides Galileo, the data will also be uploaded into the dashboard.

BrandPulse is a new study of Russians’ consumer preferences launched by Mediascope in 2020. It allows advertisers, ad agencies and media to plan and manage strategic marketing communications: analyze target groups, consumer profiles and brand funnels, products and services market, plan advertising campaigns, track key parameters. The project covers more than 400 product categories and about 4.000 brands.

The study is carried out using online surveys among all Russians aged 12-64 years old. The number of online panel is aprx. 30-35.000 people. Yearly, the company conducts about 2 mln interviews with the panel members on consumption of all product and service categories included in the study.

There are several stages of the survey. To be included in the study all respondents are profiled – they fill in a general questionnaire with questions on social and demographic parameters, lifestyle, preferences and basic consumption. Then all participants of the online panel receive a short 3-5-minute survey on consumption of certain product and service categories. These surveys help to identify consumer habits in categories.

Using online surveys and short questionnaires for analyzing consumers helps to take the load off respondents and enhances the data quality. Quicker delivery of data on main product and service categories allows brands monitor the dynamics of key parameters and impact of advertising campaigns (BHT).

Mediascope’s clients can also carry out ad hoc research based on BrandPulse: add more questions for respondents and extend a list of product and service categories.

For additional information on BrandPulse and research possibilities, please visit the page


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